Code of Conduct
Members are expected to conduct themselves with the utmost integrity included but not limited to ethical standards, honesty, mutual respect and professionalism.
Membership in Wall Street Dead aHead Networking LLC® is granted at will and can be forfeited or revoked at the discretion of the Owner. Any action deemed by the Owner as disruptive, fraudulent, harmful, misrepresentative, spamming activities or other unethical behavior may result in termination of membership without prior notice.
Mailing List and Membership Data Privacy
Wall Street Dead aHead Networking LLC® values its mailing list subscribers and Members’ privacy and will take reasonable steps to protect personal information. We will never sell our mailing list information to a third party. Each year current Member information is distributed in written form with a disclaimer “Please DO NOT reproduce or add to your mailing list and report any SPAMing activities to Deb@wallstreetdeadahead.com”
Wall Street Dead aHead Networking LLC® is a community created to foster connections, friendships and networking. It is not a service provider, business validator, or vetting authority. Wall Street Dead aHead Networking LLC, its Owner and/or Advisory Board Members do not endorse or certify any individual’s or entity’s credibility, legitimacy, or the value of their business opportunities. Members agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Wall Street Dead aHead Networking LLC®, its Owner and Advisory Board Members from any claims, liabilities, damages, or expenses (including legal fees) arising from a Member’s legal or equitable claims against any other Member or Sponsor.
Wall Street Dead aHead Network LLC®’s website and any communication we may send may contain advertising and sponsorships. Advertisers and Sponsors are responsible for ensuring that material submitted for inclusion on our Website and in any of our communications is accurate and complies with applicable laws. We are not responsible for any error, inaccuracy or issue in the Advertiser’s or Sponsor’s materials. ​Wall Street Dead aHead Networking LLC® its Owner and Advisory Board Members assume no liability from our Sponsor’s or Advertiser’s products or services and assume no liability that may arise.
Wall Street Dead aHead Networking LLC® it’s Owner and Advisory Board Members reserve the right to update these Terms and Conditions as needed to maintain the integrity and safety of the community. By accepting Membership in Wall Street Dead aHead Networking LLC® you accept and agree to Wall Street Dead aHead Networking LLC®’s Terms and Conditions